CPA Tutor Boost Knowledge Base

Tutor Job Extra Services To Offer

Why Add Extra Services

The goal of CPA Tutor Boost is to provide a place where buyers can purchase the exact level of tutoring that they need at the best price.

This is why having the ability to add Extra Services to your tutor jobs is so powerful!

When you combine your Tutor Packages with Extra Services you will maximize your revenue for each customer.

What Extra Services To Add

IDEA #1:

We highly recommend that you provide the ability to add additional questions as an Extra Service.

For example, if your Tutor Packages only cover 2 questions at a set price, then add an Extra Service to add 2 questions for $x.xx and another extra service of 5 questions for $x.xx etc…

This way you can capture as much revenue as possible and prevent the buyer from having to make multiple purchases.

IDEA #2:

Ability to follow up once you deliver your job.

Sometimes your explanations will open new questions after you answer the original question.

Adding the ability to ask follow up questions for $x.xx is a great way to earn more revenue up-front.

At the end of the day, be creative with what you offer and focus on delivering as much value to your customers as possible at an affordable price.